New album


New Member
Saw on on twitter that the band had booked studio time to start recordings for the new album.

Anyone excited :)


Staff member
So, what are your hopes for the new album?

Something different perhaps, a song with a huge horn section? Some rapping by Brett? or maybe even a ballad?

Personally I prefer they keep it simple as usual. Just give me some loud guitars by Allison, some cool lyrics for Brett to sing and I'm happy. :)
Wouldn't mind a ballad though. Could be good.


haha, would love to hear Brett rap lol
But sure a ballad could be nice change.

My guess is that we will get something similar to Bitchin' which I won't mind at all. :)


New Member
hmm, perhaps a ballad but absolutely no rapping! lol

I just want another kick-ass album like the rest of them.
Have no doubts that's also just what we will get. :cool:

Can't wait!!!


New Member
Been over year since I have been to show. You forget. Then break in work, so pull up the youtube video of Take it Off and I am pumped again.

Lets get the album done and get a fall tour pulled together. C'mon girls, lets go.


Staff member
If I haven't misunderstood the bands latest tweets they should be in the studio recording now (or just have been, not sure about the exact days). :)
LOUD GUITARS..... YEAH; COOL LYRICS ......YEAH; not so sure about ballads though - not that they woudn't be able to, but do I really want them on a Donnas record? I'm more like: turn Maya's bass up enough as well.
At this moment I am listening to the last Lita Ford album... maybe an idea, but they already went in that direction with "Bitchin" I think.... Anyways it will be brilliant.... Can't wait for it, can't wait for the gigs.... RROOCCK AANNDD RROOLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
lol. Yeah, I'll also take a loud bass before a ballad.
I'm just saying that I won't despise the band for trying a slower song. ;)

Whatever they do though... the guitar must be louder than anything else! :D
Apparently, looking at facebook, the Donnas are still in the studio. Not much information there, but they seem to be having a hoot. Still can't wait for the finished product and some live action...


Staff member
Nice to see some updates.
All we need now is some sound samples. :)